You're welcome.
But GOP observers say that Romney’s stock is rising for two other important reasons — the political climate and his own deft moves since losing the nomination.Many like to knock Obama for what they see as the perennial campaign. In reality, it's Romney's team that has made it much more blatant, at least to those that keep a close eye on politics.
After the national security-dominated Bush years, the recession has brought the importance of economic issues into sharp focus.
Following a primary spent trying to navigate the politics of Iraq and a vigorous — and sometimes cringe-inducing — courtship of social conservatives, the issue matrix now favors Romney’s background as a turnaround specialist.
I'll tell you one thing, but do another. Gov. Ted Strickland should consider that as a slogan for his re-election campaign. It may not work in his favor, but at least it would be forthright.I know we're a long way off from 2010 newspaper endorsements, but I'm starting to wonder if any major Ohio newspapers will even consider supporting Ted Strickland.
Then there are our taxes. Strickland said higher fees equate to higher taxes. He also said he wouldn't raise our taxes and he didn't. Want to guess what happened to various state agency user fees?
We did not - and do not - expect Strickland to work miracles. Times are tough. Ohioans know that - we live it every day. However it would be nice if a politician, somewhere and at sometime, would keep his word.
Sources have confirmed to Capitol Square host John Fortney that an interim seven-day budget bill will be introduced at the Ohio Senate.I also learned via Dix Newspapers that Strickland is trying to use a 2007 vote by Harris for Instant Gaming at racetracks as a tool to paint the Senate President as a hypocrite.
The budget talks broke down this weekend when Senate President Republican Bill Harris told Gov. Ted Strickland he could not support video slots at Ohio’s horse tracks as part of the budget.
My framework to balance the state budget includes a reduction in state aid to libraries in order to minimize the impact of $2.43 billion in spending reductions that will impact services for our most vulnerable, especially children, the elderly and disabled. These cuts will help to address the $3.2 billion budget gap without raising taxes on Ohio families and blah blah blobbity blah.......Honestly, Strickland could have just released this picture and said the same thing.
The stink surrounding the Pelosi-Waxman-Markey cap-and-tax bill has become vomit-inducing overnight. Representative Waxman has decided to replace the 1091-page bill with a 300-page bill that will be debated for no longer than three hours today. So your elected representatives will have virtually no time to debate the merits of an economy-spanning bill they will not have had time to read. Speaker Pelosi and her sidekick Waxman are displaying nothing more than complete contempt for the democratic process.
Part of the answer is to reform Ohio’s tax code. For the past year, I’ve been working across party lines with Rep. Jay Goyal (D-Mansfield) on legislation that would offer college graduates who pledge to live in Ohio an income tax credit of up to $3,000 per year for up to ten years.Kevin goes on to ask a poll question about whether this is needed to stop the brain drain, or whether it's simply a gimmick.
The Ohio Democratic Party is offering its own stimulus deal to generate ticket sales for its big gala Saturday night at the Ohio State Fairgrounds.Anyone else smell that?
Some party members received an offer in the form of automated phone call from state party executive director Doug Kelly: half-price tickets to the Saturday's event. Kelly refers to the offer as the party's "stimulus special."
Does this mean the party is having a tough time filling its typically sold-out annual affair?
No way, says spokesman Seth Bringman.
He said ticket sales going well. The discounted tickets are for additional seating being added specifically for party volunteers and activists that worked on the presidential campaign in 2008 and who might not be able to afford the $150 ticket price.
Authorizes live horse racing permit holders to conduct pari-mutual wagering at their place, track, or enclosure on horse races that are telecast via an instant racing system.Kevin Coughlin voted "yes".
District 1199 urges the public to contact the Ohio Governor, House Speaker and Senate President and urge them to pursue a balanced, fiscally responsible approach to this budget crisis, one that includes revenue increases beyond gambling and doesn't sacrifice the services needed the most.The clergy...
Ohioans understand their state is in a financial crisis. In time, they will grasp the true cost of their future being diminished for political expediency.and...
I don't know whether the governor uses numbers books as he sets about running the state. But his approach to governing seems as ragged and helter-skelter as a degenerate lottery player clutching a dream book.Oomph.
Asked last month whether he could support such a proposal if it were brought to him as a way to raise additional money, for example, Strickland replied, "I don't expect it will be brought to be as part of a budget solution, but if it is, I will do everything I can to see that we can craft a budget without it."Apparently, Ted Strickland can't be trusted.
The governor then pointed to an article in Governing magazine detailing how the addition of slot machines in Maryland last fall has not produced the amount of activity or revenue projected.
"They are finding I think what's likely to be a continuing trend that the promise put forth by gambling interests rarely holds up," Strickland said. "The amount of money that they promise rarely materialize(s), and so I do not think that Ohio should have expended gambling."
Yesterday, Ted Strickland announced plans for the development for a Nuclear Power Plan in Piketon, Ohio.No, it isn't.
Strickland said the effort will revitalize this region’s economy.
Duke Energy will manage the project as the alliance requests DOE funding for the project’s initial phase, including an early site permit.
Strickland said Ohio generates and uses more electricity than all but four other U.S. states and only 18 countries use more electricity than Ohio.
“This is the new beginning we have all been waiting for,” Strickland said.
A lead energy company says there is no firm commitment to build a proposed nuclear power plant that politicians are hailing as a gateway to clean energy and a source of much needed jobs and revenue in rural Appalachia.Oh, Ted. I know you're desperate for good news, but this is no way to go about it. It screams amateurism.
Duke Energy spokeswoman Rita Sipe in Charlotte, N.C., says the Thursday announcement of the proposal merely keeps open the option of a nuclear plant.
"Kasich said he would, in time, phase out Ohio's income tax, which accounts for more than 40 percent of the state's general fund. He did not provide details." [Dayton Daily News, 6/2/09]Now, I won't go into the reasoning of how asinine it is to request details on a campaign proposal 17 months out from the election, but instead I'd like to not only thank the Ohio Democratic Party for highlighting John Kasich's proposal to lower the taxes of every Ohioan, but also for their extra effort to assist John with his name ID problem.
Anonymous e-mails sent to reporters and politicos have questioned Borges’s level of involvement, as well as Kasich’s use of someone who already was slapped for misdeeds for a public office.So let me get this straight.
“There are plenty of ways” to enlist the help of someone who the public may find of questionable character, said Chris Redfern, chairman of the Ohio Democratic Party.
Such a person can be paid through the party, or by political groups, he said.
“But we have plenty of talented people to rely on without employing those who pled guilty to abusing public office,” Redfern said.
In the well-choreographed dog-and-pony shows that are campaign kickoff events, isn’t it a bit risky to have a disgraced former public-office staffer guiding supporters to their chairs?
The Republicans say no.
All that in just the past few months, and you want to complain about a campaign volunteer with a misdemeanor?
- Jimmy DiMora - Cuyahoga County Democratic Chairman and County Commissioner who is the target of a federal corruption probe.
- Jennifer Brunner - Ohio Secretary of State and Senate candidate who illegally paid for Senate campaign items with funds from her Secretary of State campaign fund.
- Marc Dann- Former Ohio Attorney General who resigned in disgrace after massive misuse of state funds....and cheating on his wife.
- Dean DiPiero - Democrat Mayor paying Ohio Democratic Party Chairman Chris Redfern's wife thousands of dollars to "lobby" the Statehouse. This after then State Rep. DiPiero said in 2000 that he didn't need the help of lobbyists to wring money from the Republican-controlled state government for his hometown.
Ohio Republicans keen on a big year could soon have another weapon in their arsenal, with former state Sen. Steve Stivers preparing for a rematch with Rep. Mary Jo Kilroy (D).Obviously, nothing we didn't really know already. It was just an excuse to post this gem again.
Stivers has set a July 4 deadline for himself to make a final decision on the 2010 race, but local and national Republicans expect him to make a second straight run at the seat, and he’s made no secret of his desire to try again.
Honor Flight Network is a non-profit organization created solely to honor America's veterans for all their sacrifices. We transport our heroes to Washington, D.C. to visit and reflect at their memorials. Top priority is given to the senior veterans – World War II survivors, along with those other veterans who may be terminally ill.An Honor Flight will be coming into Washington DC from Ohio Saturday morning.
We view the current situation in Poland in the gravest of terms, particularly the increasing use of force against an unarmed population and violations of the basic civil rights of the Polish people.In 1990, Solidarity triumphed when Lech Walesa became Poland's first popularly elected leader.
Violence invites violence and threatens to plunge Poland into chaos. We call upon all free people to join in urging the Government of Poland to reestablish conditions that will make constructive negotiations and compromise possible.
The people of Poland are giving us an imperishable example of courage and devotion to the values of freedom in the face of relentless opposition. Left to themselves, the Polish people would enjoy a new birth of freedom. But there are those who oppose the idea of freedom, who are intolerant of national independence, and hostile to the European values of democracy and the rule of law.
Two Decembers ago, freedom was lost in Afghanistan; this Christmas, it’s at stake in Poland. But the torch of liberty is hot. It warms those who hold it high. It burns those who try to extinguish it.