Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Yost nets a big fish.

As I've said many times again and again, it's rare where an endorsement means much more than the press release it's printed on, but this time Ohio Auditor candidate Dave Yost netted a big one.

Ken Blackwell.

He's a member of the NRA, Club for Growth, NTU, Family Research Council, and he's one of the most popular columnists on the widely popular

Did he get smacked around by Ted Strickland in 2006? Yes. Does that make one lick of difference when it comes to his effect on the Yost/Morgan race? No.

Why? Because Tea Partiers love him. Absolutely love him.

If an endorsement is going to carry any weight, it has to come from someone the voter trusts. That won't be County Parties, ambiguous interest groups, or even State Senators. But for many in the conservative wing of the Party, they trust Ken Blackwell.

Will we see him doing commercials for Yost? Probably not. Will we see him on mailings directed at strong R homes? If Yost wants to win, I damn well hope so.

Blackwell's endorsement also is a blow to those who say Yost is owned by the establishment.

As OPO Editor Kevin Holtsberry so sarcastically tweeted not long ago, "Ken Blackwell has clearly been manipulated into backing the establishment candidate for political favors from Kevin DeWine..."

Here is a copy of the press release:

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