Wednesday, July 22, 2009

And the hits keep on coming...

I wonder if John Kasich will have to report all of the earned media he has gained by keeping quiet and letting Ohio's newspapers rip the Governor apart.

Obviously, I'm kidding, but check this piece out from up in Cleveland. Harsh.
...among the items [Strickland] red-lined was a proposal for the state to continue to reimburse school districts for dollars schools lost when the tangible personal property tax on businesses was eliminated in 2006.

For now, the state is making up that lost money, but between 2011-16, those payments will be phased out.

Guess who will make up that money? Yes, you, to the tune of $11 million in Solon, $9 million in Twinsburg, $4 million in Beachwood and $16 million in Kenston. New levies, here we come.

In nixing the provision, Strickland said he hopes there will be "dialogue" on school funding between now and 2011, when the phase-out begins. This is a solution?

Taxpayers, rise up. During his 2006 endorsement interview, I asked Strickland, "How will you fix school funding?" He said, "I'm going to talk to people." Three years later, he's still talking.

I am weary of promises, "dialogue," Strickland's traveling "education reform" tent circus. He hit the road again Monday just days after scrapping that budget provision, assuring us suckers that reform is just around the bend.

Ohio's education spending next year is palatable only because of one-time federal money. What then? So far, Strickland is flunking out as the "education governor." John Kasich, are you listening?

You can bet he is. Strickland's failure to appease the education lobby means extremely bad news for the Governor.

He can keep holding all the Town Hall meetings he wants, but his failure to act is going to be a hard negative to overcome come November.

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