Monday, December 5, 2011

December presidential poll results

Just like in most of the national polls, Newt Gingrich has surged to the lead in our 3BP readers poll. Mitt Romney is holding steady in 2nd place. Jon Huntsman has risen to third, ahead of 4th place Herman Cain. Of course, on Saturday, Cain effectively dropped out of the race.

We'll do another poll right before the Iowa caucuses, and see how things shake out. They're only a month away now. Thanks for participating!


  1. Thanks for the belly laughs.

  2. I feel like nobody has heard of Rick Santorum.

  3. Here is a comprehensive list of Newt Gingrich's positions:

  4. I wish I'd never heard of Rick Santorum.

  5. I think the issue is that this is only the most recent poll, which easily can be misleading, as it shows where people want to vote off the cuff (and few vote that way), as well as ignores any history candidates have built. An average usually is more accurate, and reflects the actual position of the populace without bias or sudden change (a person rises as quickly as they fall).

    That said, interesting that Huntsman has jumped into third

  6. Good luck with your clown field of presidential candidates.


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