I am certain that we will be able to work together, in the coming four years, in a spirit of peace and friendship to build a safer world.Now, I'm going to pray for three things right now:
- That this isn't true.
- That President Obama doesn't think Chirac is still President of France.
- That the President simply enjoys working with former world leadeOH WHO IN THE HELL AM I FRICKIN' KIDDING!??!!?!?!?!
Democrats and the mainstream media made fun of Quayle's 'potatoe'. They complained about W stumbling over his words.
What about mixing up world leaders? What about snubbing our greatest ally?
This is like Schwartz going from dare to triple dog dare in one fell swoop.
President Sarkozy, if this is in fact true, we're sorry.

UPDATE: It's real. Crap.
UPDATE II: After more thought, let's give Obama the benefit of the doubt on this one. He knows Sarkozy is President. He meant to tell Chirac that he wanted to work with him over the next four years.
But why? Why have your first outreach be to a former President before a current one? What possible benefit can there be? One thing is beyond question, this is a snub to Sarkozy.
And that makes absolutely zero sense to me.
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