So, here's a little thing I like to call sneaky racism. Sneaky because either the perpetrators don't know they're doing it, or they do and almost nobody else does. It's a form of hypocrisy wherein seemingly normal white people kinda forget about stereotypes because they're too busy patting themselves on the back for their own day-to-day cultural sensitivity. For example, remember the Office Max Rubberband Man?
Apparently, having a black man with a big 'ol silly afro and shiny smile dance around like a court jester delivering supplies to white people doesn't strike everyone as racist, but it does me.
Consider Joe Biden's recent description of President Obama.
“Well, there isn’t one person I could compare him to, but he’s like a cross between Denzel Washington and Franklin Roosevelt.”Seriously? Hey, Joe... did ya HAVE to throw Denzel in there? I'm seriously curious why you did. Nah, I'm just messin' with ya. I know what you mean. He's black. That makes him different. Take Eli Whitney, for instance. I've always thought of him as a cross between Jethro Tull and Denzel.
Bravo, Joe. You are truly a pioneer of sneaky racism.'s CRAB-MAN!