Reality Check: Strickland Provided Details? Really?
"Strickland insists that he provided detailed plans when he ran in 2006 and that 'no one should strive to be the governor of Ohio without being willing to be specific about what they intend to do with that office.'" (Columbus Dispatch, 11/1/09)
- "Strickland almost admittedly doesn't have as great a grasp on state issues. You won't hear him give a lot of details or offer risk-taking ideas." (Middletown Journal, 8/18/06)
- "Strickland declined to go into details about his vision for the state on Monday, saying he will lay out his plans to rebuild the state in the coming months." (The Athens News, 5/12/05)
- "Strickland offered no specifics, but promised to work with the General Assembly to revamp the school funding system so that it is constitutional." (Dayton Daily News, 8/18/06)
- "He provided no details, and asked afterward when he would unveil those details, Strickland said, 'I will do that if I win this election.'" (The Columbus Dispatch, 8/18/06)
- "The U.S. House member and Democratic candidate for governor isn't sharing details. He doesn't have specifics." (Michael Douglas, Akron Beacon Journal, 9/10/06)
- "Strickland's priorities are clear, but his plans are neither bold nor, in some cases, very specific." (Steve Hoffman, Akron Beacon Journal, 9/28/06)
- "Saying he would provide the leadership needed to fix Ohio's education, economic and health care problems, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Ted Strickland was short on details Monday." (The Lima News, 9/12/06)
- "Mr. Strickland has yet to announce specific policy initiatives." (Toledo Blade, 10/16/05)
- "Strickland was even less specific, although he said that his proposal would try to satisfy the Ohio Supreme Court's nine-year-old order to fix school funding." (Akron Beacon Journal, 8/18/06)
- "Strickland said other taxes would have to be used to make up for a de-emphasis in local property taxes but that he has no specific recommendation." (Dayton Daily News, 1/10/06)
- "Strickland has not unveiled a specific plan on school funding, but says a bi-partisan approach is needed." (The Lima News, 9/24/06)
- "Much of Strickland's agenda remains a work in progress." (Editorial, Cleveland Plain Dealer, 4/9/06)
- "He needs to put a little more meat on the bones of his Turn Around Ohio plan." (Editorial, Toledo Blade, 7/30/06)
- "The Democrat offered no plan to fix school funding... Strickland offers only 'basic principles' and the promise to create a blue ribbon task force involving all of the stakeholders to fashion a school funding solution." (Aaron Marshall, Openers: Plain Dealer weblog, 8/18/06)
- "Hans Hoffman, a Norwalk resident who said he always votes Democrat, wanted to hear more specific details of the Democrat's plan to 'turnaround Ohio.' 'I was disappointed with the partisan rallying. I wanted to hear about actual issues and solutions,' Hoffman said." (Norwalk Reflector, 8/21/06)
- "Bottom line: Ohio's next governor will grapple with potentially fast and massive changes in Ohio's job mix - changes that could have bleak consequences for Ohio's budget. But on the economic front, Democrat Strickland - apparently on the theory that Blackwell is hanging himself - says nothing in order to risk nothing." (Thomas Suddes, The Plain Dealer, 8/27/06)
- "Critics say that on some of the most important issues facing Ohio, including education and taxes, Strickland, enjoying a lead in the polls, has so far avoided providing many specifics." (Columbus Dispatch, 8/27/06)
- "John Green, director of the University of Akron's Ray C. Bliss School of Applied Politics, said it appears that Strickland has been vague on some controversial issues." (Columbus Dispatch, 8/27/06)
- "Beyond those platitudes, however, Strickland admits his plans are still in the developmental stage." (Dennis J. Willard, Akron Beacon Journal, 8/27/06)
- "Strickland has yet to evidence anything approaching talented, senior-level leadership, either in his past or in his current uninspired and timid campaign for governor." (Phillip Morris, The Plain Dealer, 8/29/06)
- "So far, Strickland has played it safe, eschewing sweeping proposals for fixing Ohio's economy and schools in favor of a series of relative baby steps encompassed in his 'Turnaround Ohio' plan." (Joe Hallett, The Columbus Dispatch, 9/3/06)
- "In a brief press conference afterward, Mr. Strickland struggled to answer a basic question about the plan: How much would it cost? He told a television reporter the figure was on his Web site, and that he couldn't remember it - not because he didn't know it, he said, but because he didn't have it in front of him." (Toledo Blade, 9/5/06)
- "After the meeting, many criticized Strickland, saying he offered no specifics. 'Strickland danced around the issues and never gave us the answers,' said Jerry Suter, a farmer of sweet corn and strawberries. 'He never gave us any specifics. If you're running for governor, you ought to answer a question. And it was like he was afraid to.'" (The Lima News, 9/12/06)
- "To keep that edge, candidates like Congressman Strickland play it safe without taking unnecessary chances or explaining themselves too fully about anything to anyone." (Marilou Johanek, Toledo Blade, 10/13/06)
- "Strickland, a 12-year veteran in Congress, is a nice guy with an undistinguished record in Washington. He may calm the frothing ethical problems in Columbus, but we just don't see him offering bold ideas toward change." (Editorial, Mansfield News Journal, 10/23/06)

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