In fact, these days I cringe when I see good conservatives with their lifetime member sticker from the NRA on the back of their cars. I support Gun Owners of America, which is a consistent and uncompromising defender of the second amendment, not a weak little girl of an organization protecting itself while throwing everyone else under the bus.If this has become the stance of many 2nd amendment proponents on the right, the NRA endorsement will mean even less for Ted Strickland.
But that’s what the National Rifle Association is doing. You and I are willing to stand together because we know we either stand together or hang separately. The NRA legislative strategy in the past few years has been to hang everybody else so they can be the last man standing — more interested in maintaining the veneer of bipartisanship than actually standing up for the second amendment.
And a look at the website of one of Ohio's biggest 2nd amendment proponents, the Buckeye Firearms Association, seems to confirm that as the case.
In their widely read internet forum, the "Flash! Strickland Has NRA Endorsement!" topic hasn't received one positive response for Ted. Nor has it even been as widely discussed today as the congressional race in OH-18. In fact, the NRA endorsement topic already has had someone post the below response as produced by the ORP.

If Strickland can't get something positive said on this widely read site on this day of all days, how much of an effect can this endorsement really have on the race in November?
Actually, Erickson did make passing mention of the Strickland endorsement toward the end of the post. Not trying to nitpick, just trying to help with accuracy.
ReplyDeleteHmmm. Didn't see that when I first read the post earlier this afternoon.
ReplyDeleteWonder if he updated it.
Thanks for the heads up.
LOL... Well, if RedState decides to bash the NRA on the day it endorses Strickland, then it must be a horrible organization.
ReplyDeleteWhich explains why Kasich asked them for the their endorsement.
The idea that the Buckeye Firearm Association is going to endorse Kasich is crazy. Kasich voted twice for the assault weapons ban, opposed efforts to repeal it when the GOP took over, voted twice against gun shows, and supported handgun controls.
Keep dreamin'.
Weren't you the guy that wrote that Blackwell's endorsement of Yost was important because of Blackwell's tie to... the NRA?
ReplyDeleteYour reading comprehension skills are simply beyond compare, Hester.
Nowhere did I claim Kasich would get their endorsement. That entire part of the post detailed how none of the responders posted anything positive in response to the endorsement, thereby signalling the lack of enthusiasm I discussed earlier today.
And read the Red State post, the primary focus of the story is about another issue that came up today that is something far different from the Kasich story.
And I didn't mention the NRA at ALL in my post about Blackwell earlier this year.
You are so bad at this.
This post has now gotten more comments that the Buckeye Firearms Association post you put so much stock in.
ReplyDeleteAs for people who apparently can't read (what they themselves wrote)
Ken Blackwell.
"He's a member of the NRA, Club for Growth, NTU, Family Research Council, and he's one of the most popular columnists on the widely popular"
You actually lead with the fact that Blackwell was a member of the NRA (he's actually on their Board of Directors).
You are terrible at this. Did you even CHECK to see what you wrote about Blackwell's endorsement of Yost before you falsely saiid I was wrong?
Yep, if there's anything the NRA is known for, it's failing to turn out the vote for their candidates.
ReplyDeleteFair enough re: Blackwell. I reviewed my last post from May 3rd, not the one before it.
ReplyDeleteHowever, the point re: Blackwell isn't germane to the topic at hand which was the VALUE of the endorsement. Bringing up Blackwell as a member of the NRA only was done in order to reinforce his credentials to some on the right wing.
Clearly the NRA is considered by and large to be right wing, but that has nothing to do with how valuable their endorsement may be, especially considering the backlash of late as described in this post.
Still waiting for the link where I claimed Kasich would get the Buckeye Firearms endorsement.
And their politics section of their forum has over 4,500 posts. That's pretty active, if you ask me.
Modern Esquire said...
ReplyDeleteYep, if there's anything the NRA is known for, it's failing to turn out the vote for their candidates.
Yep. They do if they spend money, which is what I stated in my post this afternoon. Whether they do or not is in question.
This evening's post also highlights how the grassroots in the right wing may make them less reliable than they have in previous years.
Try to keep up, Brian Hester.
The section about the endorsement has less than this one, though.
ReplyDeleteAnd what's over at that site can hardly be characterized as a "backlash."
By all means, have John Kasich and the ORP declare war on the NRA. Good luck with that.
ReplyDeleteYou are the mother of all cherry pickers.
All but one of the comments in this thread are me and you, dude. Sheezus. What a silly comparison.
Also, you can't discount Buckeye Firearms, as much as you want to try.
And you are completely ignoring RED STATE of all places "backlashing" against the NRA. So has the National Review.
As for Kasich and the ORP attacking the NRA, let me know when they start. Because I haven't seen it.
(and don't even think of trying to say the poster attacks the attacks Strickland.)
You=Kasich. You are attacking the NRA, ergo Kasich is.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, you think that RedState is going to influence gun voters over gun politics more than the NRA?
Every Ohioan saw on the news last night that an organization that usually endorses Republicans endorsed Strickland and then heard about Kasich's anti-gun votes. RedState only attacked the NRA BECAUSE it endorsed Strickland as anyone who read that post (but you, apparently) could tell.
If you want to pretend like that's not going to be a factor in the racec, if you want to minimize the NRA, go right ahead. It's your folly.
Brian Hester, former Ted Strickland staffer.
ReplyDeleteHow much money will Ted Strickland get from the NRA? Not a cent.
And when the voters are blasted with images of Ted and the most anti-gun President in history, Barack Obama, I am sure they may think twice of casting a ballot of Ted Strickland.
This is a nothing burger. For most voters, these non-economic issues (e.g. abortion) are tie-breakers. In this case, there is no tie to be broken.
ReplyDeleteMe = Kasich, Modern?
ReplyDeleteWow, you are deluded.
And you also clearly didn't read the Red State article, or the plethora of other articles about the NRA's assault on free speech.
The NRA is not a "conservative" organization nor is it a "Republican" one or a "RINO" organization. They are about guns and gun rights.
ReplyDeleteWhen in Congress, Ted Strickland voted correctly on guns every time. When campaigning for Governor, he has stated last time and now that he will sign any pro-gun and pro-CCW legislation that hits his desk. Contrast that to Bob Taft, the gun veto king or any of the other Ohio RINO's like DeWine or Montgomery that have had a bad history supporting the Constitution and you can see why the ORP has such a hard time getting support from gun owners. Now the ORP's best offering is Kasich, who is an enemy of the Bill of Rights, and you wonder again why we cannot win. Stop running RINOs and you will not have this problem.
The NRA was right to support Strickland. He may be just this side of Leon Trotsky but he supports America's first freedom. Kasich has assaulted the Bill of Rights more than once and now cannot be trusted. How could anyone even think for a minute that the NRA would not choose Strickland?
All politicians and potential wannabes should take notice and remember to always vote pro gun and you will not have this problem.
ReplyDeleteIf that is the case, why did Ken Blackwell get his ass kicked, he was no RINO, yet, 60-40 happened.
Kasich is no RINO, and will be the most Conservative governor this stae has seen.
ReplyDeleteBlackwell was running against Taft, not Strickland. After the damage Taft and his gang had done, Ronald Reagan would have lost 60-40. Strickland didn't need to work very hard in 2006.
Kasich swore to protect and defend the Constitution and then voted like a Kennedy. He is as RINO as DeWine and we don't need him. We need conservatives.
National Rifle Association:
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for NOT endorsing John Kasich for Governor of Ohio.
I used to be a member of the NRA and I will be renewing my membership because the NRA has demonstrated that it also understands that John Kasich does NOT practice what he preaches and is NOT fit to be Governor of Ohio.
We learned that John has NO “courage” and does NOT “Stand For Something” even in regard to his very own children and thousands of others (including ours) who were deliberately put at “risk” with repeat child molesters by the administrators at a private “Christian” school while those administrators and their attorney deceived and defrauded we parents about it. John Kasich actually still sends his daughters to that private school where the administrators remain in power, remain as a serious threat to unsuspecting consumers, and remain as horrible examples to the students on how to treat your business customers and fellow man.
Please refer to the Internet Web Site for the overwhelming and irrefutable evidence.
Thank you
National Rifle Association:
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for NOT endorsing John Kasich for Governor of Ohio.
I used to be a member of the NRA and I will be renewing my membership because the NRA has demonstrated that it also understands that John Kasich does NOT practice what he preaches and is NOT fit to be Governor of Ohio.
We learned that John has NO “courage” and does NOT “Stand For Something” even in regard to his very own children and thousands of others (including ours) who were deliberately put at “risk” with repeat child molesters by the administrators at a private “Christian” school while those administrators and their attorney deceived and defrauded we parents about it. John Kasich actually still sends his daughters to that private school where the administrators remain in power, remain as a serious threat to unsuspecting consumers, and remain as horrible examples to the students on how to treat your business customers and fellow man.
Please refer to the Internet Web Site for the overwhelming and irrefutable evidence.
Thank you